Atim @ Anaca Festival - BrazilAtim ZT @ Anacã - Arte, Cultura e Sustentabilidade 2016 <3
Posted by Atim ZT on Monday, 11 September 2017
Atim @ MOP 2017Atim ZT @ Masters Of Puppets 2017 (Y) What a blast!
Posted by Atim ZT on Monday, 11 September 2017
Atim was created in a freak accident involving two Nord leads and a nuclear reaction chamber, we think. Probably upon hitting a lost chord consisting of 400 quarter tones across 56 virtual octaves, everything exploded and left only a mild mannered weirdo with the super power of sound. He describes his music as an exploration of proportions and ratios that are universal in all mediums… and you can fucking hear it. Other associations: (Organoise / Peak Pilots / Ancient Organism / CF Crew / Damaru Records)
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