Sound the alarms! Alert the military! “An unidentified vessel utilizing an unknown propulsion technology has entered earths atmosphere. All attempts to intercept the craft have failed. We urge all residents to unlock their doors, go outside and get whats coming to them! “
Peak Pilots is a collaboration project between three South African ZuluTunes artists: Dugga / Atim of Organoise, and Natural Disaster. Expect a lower tempo groove of chunky warm bass coupled with super refined high-energy sound design. This hour-long journey has been in the making for quite some time and we are all stoked to finally present it to you!
Thanks as always for your ongoing support. When on social media don’t forget to: share, comment and like š
Free low-quality MP3s will be available from our website in a month or two. Also check out our previous release “Disaster Recovery” which is a Nepal charity fundraiser desperately in need of your support.
Released August 31, 2016
All music composed, produced, mixed and mastered by Peak Pilots (Organoise [Atim / Dugga] and Natural Disaster).
All copyrights are reserved.
Album artwork by Doctor Bops.
Artist photography by Mike Iller.